Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I haven't been on here in a minute but here's the update on my life recently. I've been busy with all this school work. I have two presentations due in the matter of two weeks, a rough draft and a final story 1,000 words, my website of my journalism work, a clipbook due this upcoming Friday, and three finals! So much to do during these last weeks. I will be so happy when this is all over.

Besides the school work, I have been thinking about doing my own highlights in my hair because I don't have the money to go to the shop so that is what I will be experimenting with this weekend. My grandma is going to help me because she been coloring her hair ever since my mom was little so I will put up pics with the finished product soon.

Got the Beyonce tickets today in the mail. I am in section 109 row 10. That is one thing I will be looking forward to this summer. Another thing is the arrival of my babe. Hopefully, he will be home late May early June sometime. That is going to be the best day ever. It will be 5 months in May that I haven't seen him. This is the longest that we have gone without seeing each other. Love you Babe.

I am still looking for a job! I desperately want to go shopping!! I said want because I really don't need to because I barely have room in my closet for all the clothes I have now. But I can never have to many clothes. There are new trends and fashions every month so I will always need clothes. I am trying to get the style Beyonce was spotted wearing this past week in Vienna. I already got a look alike shrub tank that I purchased from Forever 21 for only $8.80. Now I'm working on getting my bleached washed skinny jeans. I'm almost there.

Here's Beyonce:

Here's what I'm working on getting to achieve this look:

Minus the sandals in the pic, but here are the shoes I want:

N.Y.L.A Isabel Leather Bootie $94.95 at DSW
Everyone should try it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Have My Beyonce Tickets!!!

I finally got my tickets today this morning around 8:30 a.m. Can't wait to see Bee live and in action and of course Sasha Fierce!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Fave TV Show Comes Back on This Week!!

One of my favorite's is coming back on this week. Prison Break will be on Friday on FOX. I love this show. My sailor and I use to watch it all the time when he was home. It's finally coming back on and I hope that they all can be free this time. Even though it will be sad to see the show come to an end. Tune in on April 17th Friday at 9/8c

My Puppies Are Getting So Big!

My Life This Past Week

This past week has been the hardest school wise. I had trouble getting info for my story for my Reporting & Writing II class but I got it done. I don't think it's one of the best stories I've written but I definitely have to do the rewrite for that one to bring that grade up. I had a Spanish exam that I didn't really study for but I think I did OK. I think I got at least a "C" so that's good. At least it's not failing. Then I have a current events quiz tomorrow for my copy editing class and I haven't been watching and keeping up with the news like I should be. I want to be a journalists so I'm going to have to work on that.

Other than that, it went pretty good. I got to spend some time with my hubby's mom who is like a second mom to me. I missed hanging out with her and all we did was catch up on everything going on in our lives as the time went by. Glad everything worked out for my sailor also. It looks like things are turning good. Just got to see what the month of May brings us then we will go from there.

Still working on getting a job this summer. I love to shop way to much to not have a job. I think it's an addiction. My little sister Sydney told me I had a problem and that everyday I come home with something. I went into Forever 21 today and it hurt me to walk out the store empty handed. After that I couldn't even make it to Macy's. I NEED A JOB!!!!! I'm working on it!

On a better note, I have a meeting with Pure Underground Magazine Monday for an internship with them, I hope all goes well. I'm still applying for other internships also. I did decide that I'm going to stick with Broadcast Journalism for my major also. So I need to start looking at some television internships.

I'm going to see my friend Cori perform at her dance show tomorrow at the Columbia Dance Center. It starts at 7pm and it's free. I haven't seen her in a while! Catch up time!

That's all for now....


Beyonce Out and About


Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Couldn't Do It!!

I'm all for setting your own style and being different but I couldn't go this far.

Cassie's new hairstyle......


The First Puppy

The Obama's received their puppy, a Portuguese Water Dog named Bo, as a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Should I or Shouldn't I????

I have seriously been thinking about changing my major or my concentration in my major better yet. I want to do both but I can't. I'm trying to decide between Magazine Journalism and Broadcasting Journalism. With magazines and newspapers all moving to online and the Sun-Times just going bankrupt, I should easily be able to decide right?? But I can't. Magazines are still in circulation today but who knows what will happen say in the next 10 years or so. So that's where broadcast journalism comes in. I always wanted to be a news anchor and that was my goal and dream when I first applied to Columbia. Now, as you can see, that vision has totally changed. I want to now have my own magazine one day and get a a masters in business or education. I'm so confused!!

And get this....I have to decide what I'm going to do within this next week because I need to start registering for classes and I have done almost all my GenEds and prerequisite classes so now comes the required concentration classes. I need to hurry so I don't get stuck with any night classes because students at Columbia be on it when it comes time to registering because they want all the good times and days for those classes.



Save The Game!

For everyone that loves the TV show "The Game" just as much as I do, it has NOT been cancelled. However, they are trying to extend the show to an hour instead of half an hour. The "Save the Game Campaign" is put together by the cast, creator and producer of the show and they are trying for 1 million replies by April 15, which is when the producer has a meeting with the CW network and she is going to pitch the idea to them about making the show an hour long. This campaign is also going on to help KEEP "The Game" on.

I love this show and I would hate to see it go off. I love Melanie and Derwin's relationship and I would really like to see them together in the end. There are so many unanswered questions right now that need to be answered. It would be a shame if they took it off. So I am encouraging everyone that loves this show just as much as I do, to go and go into the Save the Game forum and leave a reply on the message board letting them know your concerns about the show and how much you don't want them to take it off and to extend it to an hour!!!!

Here's a video that the cast made about the campaign and what to do to help: