I have two Pitt bulls, a girl and a boy, and they had puppies. She only had 2 puppies and we decided to keep them.
Recently, the puppies have been sick. It started out with Khloe, the smallest one. She was lethargic, vomiting and she had diarrhea. I thought maybe she just got into something and she would get over so we waited to see if it would pass. Well it didn't and we ended up taking her to the vet this past Monday.
It turns out that she didn't have Parvo and the doctor diagnosed her with tapeworms. They injected fluid in her and gave us some medicine to give to her. When we got back home, she was back to the Khloe we all knew and loved. She was eating, playing and running. Then that's when we noticed that our other puppy, Bree, was acting sick. Automatically, we thought she had the same thing as her sister Khloe had and that she would get past it. If she didn't we were gonna take her to the vet.
After a day, Bree started getting worse than Khloe was. She was weak and wouldn't move at all. I had to carry her down the stairs so that she could use the bathroom outside. It was sad. When my mom got home today, she saw Bree and how bad she had gotten. We needed to take her to the vet also but mind you, we had just taken Khloe and paid damn near $300 and the vet diagnosed her with tapeworms, which we could have treated with some over the counter dewormer. So my mom and I didn't want to have to pay that much money again. We went have and I even had to go in savings account for my loans that I have to pay back to pay for the bill. I would do anything for my dogs, but anyway, Bree was looking bad so we took her to the vet in Hyde Park hoping they would be cheaper than the vet at Petsmart. When we got to the vet, Bree had did #2 as I was carrying her mind you, her #2 was made up of blood and liquid, I know disgusting right, but I had to bear it. ( I don't mean to gross you out but this is a very serious case for puppies and dogs and I want whoever reading this to be aware if they have dogs, I wouldn't wish this virus on no one's pet.)
When we got into a room, the vet came in and did her normal checkup and after about 10 minutes, she said it looked like parvovirus but she had to do the test just to make sure. She did the test and 10 minutes later we had the worst results ever to bear, BREE HAS PARVOVIRUS, I couldn't help but tear up a little because that is the last thing I was hoping for. I was being hopeful that she didn't have it because when we got Khloe tested, her test came back negative. The doctor said she was sure that she had it and that Pitt bulls are susceptible to the virus than other breeds. She also said that Khloe could have had a milder version of the virus and could have gotten over it, which it probably what happened because she is running and jumping and chasing the cat and would probably do a back flip right now if she could.
But anyway, the doctor told us that we could either take her home and they will inject fluid into her body and give antibiotics but it probably wouldn't cure her right away as supposed to her being hospitalized. If we were to take her back home, it would have cost us $120 but it wouldn't be for sure that the injections would take. If she were to stay at the hospital for 3 nights, it would cost us $400 and they would put her on an IV and she would have 24 hour medical care, which is what she needs at this point. Maybe less if she takes to the injections earlier and comes around. I wanted to do the best thing for her. I had already paid $140 for Khloe this past Monday for her visit and now here I have to pay another $200 for Bree because my mom and I were gonna split the cost.
We decided to let her stay because that was what's best for her medically. I ended up paying half now, which was just $100. Tomorrow, we have to call and see how she is taking to the injections. I really do hope she pulls through. Parvovirus is serious. Oprah's dog dies of Parvo and it's incurable but it is treatable. I hope my Bree-Bree pulls through. She's strong and she still need to meet my babe. He will be home Friday! Hopefully she will be better. I wanted to write about this to get it off my chest but also because it's a very serious virus that need to be recognized. I will keep you updated on her status. Until then here are some fact about Parvo:
*Parvovirus is very contagious to other dogs. It is passed through the stool of an infected dog. If an unaffected dog ingest or inhales an infected dogs stool.
*Parvo is incurable. It can be treated and there are vaccinations that unaffected dogs can get as a precaution against it.
*It takes 7-10 days from the time of exposure for dogs and puppies to start showing symptoms.
*Symptoms include: bloody diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite.
*Parvo is a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system.
*It affects puppies more frequently than it does adult dogs.
*The virus can live on surfaces between 1-6 months and the most surest way to kill it is with bleach and water.