So what has been going on in Samantha's life lately? Not a lot but I've come to the realization that I will not continue to live my life how I am now. I have big dreams and I'm going to make them happen if no one else wants to give me that opportunity.After just watching Beyonce's
Year of 4 special on TV, it has inspired me quite a bit. Right now, I'm interning at the Chicago Defender and I'm thankful for the opportunity to be there and doing what I'm doing, but at this point and time in my life, I feel like I should be doing more. I don't know. But anyway, I'm on the path to figuring that out as I type. All in all, I'm just me still. Nothing's changed except everyday I get wiser and stronger and closer to what I'm destined to be.
In the words of Beyonce,
I Was Here